
Breana Dell, a 24-year-old stay-at-home mom from Atlanta, was faced with a life-changing moment when she learned that the single heartbeat she and her husband Matthew Dell saw on the monitor during an ultrasound actually belonged to conjoined twins. The couple was informed that there was little chance of separating the twins, which meant their survival odds were slim to none.

Despite the grim prognosis, the Dells chose to continue with the pregnancy, guided by their faith and belief that the twins were a gift from God. As the pregnancy progressed, Breana faced emotional struggles and anxiety attacks, unsure of what the future held.

On February 29, Amelia Jane and Elhora Auri were born, conjoined at the torso, weighing 3.5 pounds each. Although the twins were unable to be separated and their survival was uncertain, Breana was filled with peace and awe as she held them in her arms for an hour after their birth.

Conjoined twins are a rare occurrence, happening in one of every 50,000 to 200,000 births, with varying rates of survival depending on the organs shared and the location of the connection. The Dells received an outpouring of support from their church, family, friends, and social media during their journey.

As they navigate the healing process and look towards the future, the Dells remain hopeful and plan to expand their family. Despite the challenges they faced, their unwavering faith and love for their daughters Amelia Jane and Elhora Auri have been a source of strength and resilience throughout the entire journey.