Heusden-Zolder, belgium –
An example for a sub-contractor of the carrier’s Line of work, this Saturday in Heusden-Zolder, belgium, during a cigarette break, attacked, and robbed. The two men were armed with a gun and a knife. The robbery happened at the St. Franciscusziekenhuis. Tuesday it was also announced that on Monday, a bus Line in Genk, belgium was confronted with a two-amokmakers. “Each and every case of assault, no matter how small, is one too many,” says spokeswoman Sarah Lightly on The Line.
The driver in Heusden-Zolder, belgium was last Saturday, during a break on the outside of the bus, and when a person is approached. Then it popped up as a friend on it. The two men were wearing bivakmutsen. A person is stabbed the driver with a knife, while the other has him with a gun threatened. “The perpetrators ‘ names to the dagontvangsten, and some of the personal belongings of the driver in mind. The court’s investigation,” said Sarah Lightly. The victim was in the hospital for the necessary treatment and care.
finally, In belgium, produced on Monday, two persons in difficulty in the m-line. One was found not to be in order with the ticket. That escalated and ended up with a case of an assault. “The driver felt threatened. On the radio, he was in the control room notified, and the police assistance was sought. The driver could see the two passengers already on the bus and off. He drove to the end of the line, in which a team coach to him, waiting. That has brought him home because he was under the impression that it was. The man is not to be rushed for a medical check-up. The driver also reported to the police. The Line to enter, too, is a study, explains:” a False matter.
“I just want to say that there is now very little cash on a bus is there. Most of the passengers are now on a card, or a subscription fee. Others will pay their way through text,” says She Lightly added.
for More on The Line for very little money and the threat of privatization: provided the trade unions, The Line and would like answers from the minister, Smith Drain, at The Line: “the sinking ship-should you be leaving a COMMENT. “Public transport has become what it is today. As a means of transportation for those who are condemned are” never seen so many rides, shall be deleted, never seen so many complaints