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Flight Attendant Injured in Severe Turbulence Incident in Turkey

In a recent incident on a Turkish Airlines flight, a flight attendant suffered a broken back after the plane encountered severe turbulence during a domestic flight from Istanbul to Izmir. The crew member, who had only been on the job for two months, was thrown up towards the ceiling and then fell to the floor of the plane. Upon landing in Izmir, she was taken to a hospital where medical staff confirmed her broken vertebra.

Recent Surge in Turbulence-Related Injuries on Flights

This incident marks the third reported case of turbulence causing injuries within a week. In a separate incident, 12 people were injured on a Qatar Airways flight from Doha to Dublin. Additionally, a Singapore Airlines flight on May 21st resulted in one fatality and over 100 injuries due to severe turbulence.

Impact of Climate Crisis on Air Turbulence

Researchers have noted a significant increase in severe turbulence incidents over the years, attributing it to the climate crisis. Clear-air turbulence, which is harder to detect and avoid, is becoming more prevalent due to rising temperatures. Airlines are working on solutions to better monitor and predict turbulence to ensure passenger safety.

In conclusion, it is essential for passengers to follow safety protocols and always wear seat belts during flights to protect against unexpected turbulence incidents. Airlines must also prioritize implementing measures to mitigate the impact of climate change on air travel safety.