A lifeguard for the Students
A lifeguard for the Students

Emilio V. EscuderoSEGUIR Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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The pandemic that stifles economically the country has been brought, paradoxically, good news to the Students, that the renewal of the sponsorship with Movistar up until 2025, allows you to face the future with a good face, leaving behind another season to forget in his team CPF and trying already to lay the foundations for the next.

do Not want to deplete their lives, the Students , used dangerously in the last decade to flirt with relegation. Loss of a category that saved on two occasions thanks to the offices and this season returned to threaten the viability of the institution. This time, the sports bra came in the form of a pandemic, while the economic lifeline has placed Movistar. The Spanish company yesterday agreed to
