On the train from Brussels to Liege in the night of Tuesday to Wednesday in a racially motivated incident. From social media to circulate images of a French officer of the railway police, which is a Belgian person with a dark skin tone, recommends that in order to “return to the great lakes, if we don’t like it”.
Joshua (23) is Tuesday night at about 23 hours in the train station of Brussels central station, after a trip to London, where he will buy a ticket to Liege. The train would be there, arriving at 00.18 a.m., ‘Wednesday morning’, then. When the conductor the ticket from, have him check it, he says, that the ticket is not valid, and he asked the young man to have to buy a new. “But, my ticket was in order, so I rejected the offer,” said Joshua.
it’s planned, the conductor will not, therefore, inform the contractor that he is the railway. What follows is a lot of discussion between Joshua and spoorwegagent, with some expressions of racism are falling. So in the end, the cop, have him get off at Waremme, where six agents with him in the eyes. “I wasn’t aware of the fact that I was standing in front of them. I have been silent, and if someone is calling for me to come and get it. You need to know is that this started out as a one-way ticket. One is that I had to take note of.”
at The Brussels police force, has so far not commented on the incident, but the RAILWAY did, however, know that “not a single racist statement that is acceptable”.
Joshua, meanwhile, has filed a complaint with the police, that’s the movie to see.