
Last year, Ashley Garcia created two videos promoting Hey Jane, a telemedicine abortion service. She expressed her frustration, stating, “We shouldn’t have to censor ourselves.” The groups advocating for abortion rights are accusing major technology platforms of censorship when it comes to posts about abortion services.

For instance, TikTok has suspended Hey Jane’s account multiple times without providing any explanation. Similarly, Instagram suspended Mayday Health, a non-profit organization that offers information on abortion pill access, without a clear reason. Even the search engine Bing mistakenly flagged Aid Access, a significant online seller of abortion pills, as unsafe.

These actions by tech companies have left women’s health advocates and groups confused and frustrated. They argue that the platforms’ policies regarding abortion-related content, including advertisements, have always been unclear. However, they claim that the platforms have become more aggressive in removing or suppressing posts sharing information on safe and legal abortion procedures since the Supreme Court’s decision to end the constitutional right to abortion in 2022.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, an organization working to abolish abortion, has also faced restrictions on their pro-life speech by major tech companies. They have had their accounts suspended and ads blocked with minimal explanation. This lack of transparency has raised concerns among advocacy groups and led Amnesty International USA to call on tech giants to clearly define and explain their rules on abortion-related content moderation.

The uncertainty surrounding tech platforms’ approach to abortion-related content has forced women and organizations to change how they discuss the topic online. Some intentionally misspell the term as “aborshun” or “ab0rti0n,” while others use a boar emoji to replace certain letters in an attempt to reach a wider audience.

As concerns about censorship continue to grow, it is crucial for tech companies to provide clear guidelines and transparency in their content moderation policies. Users should be able to understand why certain posts are restricted and hold these platforms accountable for their actions. By promoting open communication and accountability, tech companies can ensure that users have access to diverse and accurate information online.