Ixodida, or more commonly known as ticks, are part of the order Arachnid mites. The latter measure on average between 3 to 6 mm, excluding repletion. Tropical species, on the other hand, can measure up to 30 mm. These critters can carry various bacteria and diseases, including Lyme disease. In fact, one in six ticks could carry it.
But when the summer season has started and the walks in the forest and the days in the gardens are becoming more and more numerous, how to protect yourself from these parasites? Find in our slideshow, available below, our advice to protect yourself from ticks.
The secretary of the France Lyme association confided in our colleagues from Nice-Matin, indicating that “30% of victims are bitten in their garden”. Subsequently, Christèle Dumat-Gonnet will specify that it is estimated “that there are today 300,000 people affected in France. It is therefore not a rare disease”. So what are the steps to take to prevent ticks? Check out our list of tips in our slideshow below.
In the event that you have been bitten by a tick, immediately consider disinfecting the bite area with hydrogen peroxide. Then take a photo of your bite and go to your doctor as soon as possible.
Find our advice to adopt to prevent ticks and protect yourself from these critters, directly in our slideshow available below.