
Actress Alex Kingston, known for her role in “Doctor Who,” recently shared her thoughts on cancel culture and its impact on the entertainment industry. In an interview with The Telegraph, Kingston expressed her concerns about the dangers of cancel culture, describing it as “terrifying” and “fascistic.” She emphasized that people may not realize the historical implications of canceling individuals for their actions or words.

Kingston highlighted the challenges faced by her generation, noting that there is a fear of unintentionally hurting someone with words. She mentioned feeling confused about using pronouns and the lack of empathy and sympathy in today’s society. The actress expressed her hope for a future where people can be kinder to each other and be more thoughtful in their interactions.

Addressing the issue of casting actors in roles that may not historically match their identity, Kingston emphasized the importance of allowing actors to explore a variety of roles. She stressed the need for a middle ground where actors can take on diverse roles without being limited by physical characteristics.

Overall, Kingston’s comments shed light on the complexities of cancel culture and the need for a more nuanced approach to conversations and representation in the entertainment industry. Her insights serve as a reminder of the importance of empathy, understanding, and open dialogue in today’s society.