
The Olympics have evolved significantly over the years, moving away from hand-held stopwatches to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The upcoming Paris 2024 Games will be a revolutionary moment for the use of AI in determining not just the winners and losers, but also the mechanics behind those outcomes.

Alain Zobrist, the chief executive of Omega Timing, the official timekeeper of the Games, highlighted the innovative technologies that will enhance viewers’ experience during the competitions. One of the most notable advancements is the use of four cameras equipped with “Computervision” at the Olympic Aquatic Center. These cameras can analyze athletes’ movements in real-time, calculating stroke rates, distances covered, and differences in acceleration and deceleration that can impact the race’s outcome.

In the past, Olympic diving has seen serious injuries, such as Greg Louganis hitting his head on the board during the 1988 Games. To prevent such incidents, new technology in Paris will measure the distance between divers’ heads and the board, eliminating judgment calls for judges.

Additionally, a high-speed camera capturing 40,000 frames per second will provide a more accurate photo finish for track events. Smart bibs worn by track and field athletes will transmit data to high-speed computers, offering insights into athletes’ positions, steps, and stride rates during races.

The use of AI technology extends to beach volleyball and tennis competitions as well. Smart cameras will track athletes’ movements on the expansive beach volleyball court, providing detailed data on their performance. In tennis, a new system will focus on players’ reaction times to serves and the quality of their returns, offering a deeper understanding of these critical shots.

Overall, the goal of integrating AI into the Olympics is to enhance the viewing experience without disrupting the athletes. By focusing on biomechanics and performance analysis, rather than just biometrics, AI technology offers a new way to measure and explain athletic performance. The Paris 2024 Games will showcase the potential of AI to revolutionize sports competitions and provide fans with a more immersive and insightful experience.