
An American Airlines passenger, Heather Wells, caused chaos on a flight from Dallas to Charlotte when she attempted to open the front cabin door mid-flight. The incident, which took place on July 6, 2021, involved Wells biting, kicking, and spitting at staff and fellow passengers. She was eventually duct taped to her seat by flight attendants after a struggle.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) fined Wells $81,950 in civil penalties for her behavior on the flight. Now, the FAA is suing her in San Antonio to collect that money. The lawsuit states that Wells had been drinking alcohol before the incident, which may have contributed to her actions.

Despite being restrained with duct tape and flex cuffs, Wells continued to act aggressively, kicking, spitting, and attempting to bite and head-butt flight attendants and passengers. She was eventually sedated and removed from the aircraft by law enforcement and medical personnel upon landing in Charlotte.

The lawsuit filed against Wells alleges that she violated federal aviation rules by trying to access the flight cabin, interfering with and threatening the flight crew, and posing a threat to passengers and staff. It is unclear at this time whether criminal charges will be filed by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of following crew instructions and behaving appropriately while on board an aircraft. The safety and security of all passengers and staff should always be a top priority when traveling by air.