
A group of pediatricians, health policy organizations, and conservative groups have come together to speak out against the promotion of transgender medical treatments for children. The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) and other groups known as “Doctors Protecting Children” have released a statement urging mainstream medical associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics to stop endorsing “gender-affirming care” for transgender youth. They argue that medical decisions should not be based on an individual’s gender identity and that current treatments for gender dysphoria can be harmful to patients.

On the other hand, the larger medical community believes that gender is a social construct and that affirming a person’s gender identity is crucial for their well-being. The American Medical Association (AMA) states that providing gender-affirming care can lead to improved health outcomes for transgender individuals, including reduced rates of suicide attempts and depression.

While the federal government supports transgender medical procedures for children and adolescents, some European countries have pushed back on the use of puberty blockers and sex reassignment surgery for minors. The UK, for example, has limited hormone treatments to clinical trials only.

Doctors Protecting Children argue that allowing children to socially transition before puberty does not necessarily improve their mental health. They cite various studies, including the controversial Cass Review, which found weak evidence supporting transgender medical treatments for minors.

The coalition calls on major medical associations to stop promoting social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for children and adolescents experiencing distress over their biological sex. They recommend psychotherapy as the first line of treatment for these vulnerable children.

As more than a dozen Republican-led states move to ban or limit the use of puberty blockers on minors, there is growing opposition from American medical groups. The debate between these groups highlights the complexity and sensitivity of providing medical care for transgender youth.

In conclusion, the discussion around child gender transition continues to spark controversy and debate within the medical community. The differing opinions on how to best support transgender children and adolescents demonstrate the need for further research and dialogue to ensure the well-being of all patients.