
An American woman named Taylor Casey, who went missing in the Bahamas during a yoga retreat, has had her phone found in the ocean, as per a local media report. Casey, 41, was last seen on June 19 at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat on Paradise Island in Nassau. Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings of the Royal Bahamas Police Force mentioned that only Casey’s cellphone has been discovered in the ocean, while her other belongings remain at the retreat. The police have engaged drones, a canine unit, and divers in the search effort. Casey’s family expressed deep concern for her safety and well-being, emphasizing that she would not disappear willingly. Taylor’s mother, Colette Seymore, described her daughter as intelligent, caring, and passionate about yoga, having practiced it for 15 years. Casey was participating in a yoga teacher training program at the retreat and was eager to share her experience upon returning. In an interview with ABC News, Seymore expressed her longing for Taylor to come home and shared her worry upon learning that Taylor had not attended yoga classes. The family is anxiously awaiting news and hopes for Taylor’s safe return.