
America’s Leading CEOs’ True Opinions on Donald Trump

Recent headlines have suggested that the nation’s business leaders are supporting presidential candidate Donald Trump. However, this may not be entirely accurate. Despite claims of endorsements from prominent figures like Steve Schwarzman and David Sacks, the reality is quite different.

As someone who works closely with chief executives and speaks with business leaders regularly, I can attest that Mr. Trump does not enjoy widespread support among corporate leaders. In fact, he has the lowest level of corporate backing in the history of the Republican Party.

Our surveys indicate that 60 to 70 percent of chief executives are registered Republicans, yet they remain divided when it comes to Mr. Trump and President Biden. While they may not fully embrace either candidate, there is a clear preference or at least a higher level of tolerance for one over the other.

One telling indicator of corporate America’s lack of enthusiasm for Mr. Trump is the absence of donations from Fortune 100 chief executives to his campaign this year. This marks a significant departure from the past, where Republican presidential candidates received overwhelming support from major company heads.

Mr. Trump’s election victory was partly attributed to his adoption of populist messaging similar to that of Bernie Sanders. However, this strategy did not endear him to the business community. While some chief executives supported his policies, there remained a sense of caution and wariness in their interactions with the president.

In conclusion, despite the perception created by certain headlines, America’s leading CEOs are not wholeheartedly backing Donald Trump. Their investment choices and actions speak volumes about their true opinions on the matter.