
Amy Bohn, the president and co-founder of the California-based organization Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids (PERK), has been a vocal critic of Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom’s involvement of children in gender identity politics. In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Bohn discussed her concerns about California’s recently passed legislation, AB 1955, which prohibits educators from informing parents when their children change their pronouns, name, or gender identity at school.

Parental Rights Advocacy

PERK is known for advocating for parental rights at the local and state level, and Bohn has been a leading voice in the fight against policies that she believes infringe on these rights. She expressed her strong opposition to AB 1955, describing it as one of the most concerning bills she has seen. Bohn believes that the legislation not only prevents parents from being informed about changes in their child’s gender identity but also promotes secrecy by creating a file on parents at the school level.

According to Bohn, the legislation denies parents the right to be involved in important decisions regarding their children’s well-being. She argues that minors do not have the legal capacity to consent to such significant decisions without parental guidance and protection. Bohn emphasized the importance of parents in ensuring that their children are not exploited or taken advantage of, stating that the idea that children can consent to such matters without their parents’ involvement is “utter nonsense.”

Student Privacy vs. Parental Rights

Supporters of AB 1955 argue that the legislation is necessary to protect students’ privacy and allow them to decide when they are ready to share private information about themselves. Assemblyman Chris Ward, the bill’s sponsor, believes that the legislation affords students the dignity of deciding when to disclose personal information such as their gender identity.

However, Bohn disagrees with this perspective, emphasizing that children are still in the process of development and do not have the capacity to make such decisions on their own. She believes that parental guidance and protection are essential in ensuring that children are not coerced or influenced into making choices that may have long-term consequences.

Political Motives Behind the Legislation

Bohn also raised concerns about the political motives behind AB 1955, suggesting that Governor Newsom supports the legislation for reasons of political expediency rather than genuine concern for children’s well-being. She accused Newsom of using children as pawns in a political game, highlighting what she sees as a pattern of eroding parental rights in California.

In Bohn’s view, the legislation represents a dangerous trend of government overreach and interference in family matters. She believes that parents should have the final say in decisions that impact their children’s lives and that policies like AB 1955 undermine the fundamental rights of families.

Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In addition to her concerns about AB 1955, Bohn and PERK have been actively involved in other public policy battles, particularly related to educational policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bohn has been a vocal critic of vaccine mandates in school districts, arguing that such decisions should be left to parents and doctors rather than mandated by schools.

PERK has taken legal action against vaccine mandates in California, challenging what they see as government overreach in imposing medical decisions on families. Bohn believes that individual freedom and parental rights should be upheld, especially in matters of healthcare and education.

Fighting for School Reopenings

During the pandemic, Bohn and PERK also fought against COVID lockdowns and school closures, advocating for the reopening of schools to ensure that children’s education and well-being were not compromised. Bohn criticized Governor Newsom’s handling of the situation, arguing that the prolonged closures were detrimental to students’ academic learning and overall development.

According to Bohn, PERK took proactive measures to push back against the lockdowns, including sending letters to the governor and legislators, informing parents about the potential harm of prolonged closures, and mobilizing community support to reopen schools. The organization played a key role in driving local protests and activism at school board meetings, urging policymakers to prioritize the needs of students and families.

In conclusion, Amy Bohn’s advocacy for parental rights and children’s well-being has made her a prominent figure in the fight against policies that she believes infringe on these fundamental rights. Through her work with PERK, Bohn continues to push back against government overreach and political agendas that she sees as detrimental to families and communities. As the debate over AB 1955 and other contentious issues continues, Bohn remains committed to defending the rights of parents and children in California.