
President Biden’s debate performance in Atlanta has been met with mixed reviews, with critics questioning whether his campaign is truly connecting with voters. The President and his team have been quick to downplay the impact of the debate, insisting that it was just a small blip in the larger campaign.

Despite Biden himself admitting that he didn’t have a great night, his aides and supporters are emphasizing that fundraising efforts are still going strong and that the President has already bounced back. This strategy of brushing off concerns about Biden’s age and performance is not new, as they have consistently dismissed such worries as media exaggerations created by political opponents.

However, many voters are not convinced by this dismissive approach. They witnessed the debate firsthand and are not easily swayed by attempts to downplay what they saw. Ben Rhodes, a former adviser to President Obama, pointed out that telling people they didn’t see what they saw is not an effective way to address the situation.

While Biden and his team may try to move past the debate and focus on the larger campaign, it is clear that the debate performance has raised questions and concerns among voters. The President will need to address these issues head-on and work to reassure voters that he is in touch with their needs and priorities. Only time will tell how this strategy will impact Biden’s overall campaign moving forward.