
Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a member of the “Squad,” recently issued an apology for initially denying accusations that Hamas raped women during the terror group’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel. In a radio interview with WNYC, Bowman admitted that he was wrong for downplaying the rape allegations against Hamas that arose after the attack.

The congressman had made controversial remarks during a pro-Palestinian rally in Westchester, New York, where he stated that there was propaganda surrounding the siege and questioned the reports of raped women. However, months later, Bowman acknowledged the reports of Hamas committing rapes during the deadly attack and condemned the sexual violence.

During the radio interview, Bowman highlighted how he changed his stance as soon as he saw evidence from the United Nations confirming the allegations. He emphasized that he took accountability for his mistakes and expressed a willingness to learn and grow as a representative.

Bowman’s humility and willingness to admit his errors were evident as he reflected on his past statements and actions. He emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for his words and striving to be the best representative he can be, acknowledging that imperfection is a part of the learning process.

The congressman’s apology and reflection on his past actions come as he faces Westchester County Executive George Latimer in a Democratic primary to represent New York’s 16th district. Despite recent polling showing Bowman trailing Latimer, he remains committed to continuing his work and striving to improve as a public servant.

In light of this apology and reflection, Bowman’s journey as a representative serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability, growth, and learning from past mistakes. As he navigates the challenges of public service, his commitment to addressing issues head-on and striving to be a better advocate for his constituents is evident.