
When I first purchased the Apple Vision Pro for a hefty price of $3,500 earlier this year, I was mesmerized by its capabilities and potential. The concept of “spatial computing” seemed like magic to me, even though I struggled to fully grasp its practical applications. I proudly showcased the headset wherever I went, drawing both curious and envious looks from those around me. From office meetings to coffee shops to even inside a self-driving car, I flaunted my Vision Pro like a prized possession.

However, as time passed, the initial allure of the device began to fade, and now it sits neglected on a shelf, gathering dust. It seems I am not alone in this experience, as many other Vision Pro owners I know, primarily journalists and tech enthusiasts, have also admitted to rarely using their headsets. The lack of widespread enthusiasm for the product is evident, with social media devoid of the once prevalent buzz surrounding the Vision Pro.

Although Apple has not disclosed specific sales figures, industry analysts believe that the device has underperformed in terms of sales expectations. Many early adopters have resorted to selling their lightly used Vision Pros for as low as $2,500 on resale platforms, indicating a significant depreciation in value.

In an attempt to revitalize interest in the Vision Pro, Apple unveiled some new features at its recent developer conference. These include updates to the VisionOS operating system, enhanced gesture controls, and the introduction of 3-D spatial photos generated from old images that can be viewed on the headset. Additionally, Apple announced plans to expand the availability of the Vision Pro to international markets such as China, Japan, and Britain.

Despite these efforts, the challenge remains for Apple to reinvigorate consumer interest in the Vision Pro and position it as a must-have device in the competitive tech market. As the company continues to explore ways to enhance the user experience and functionality of the headset, the future success of the Vision Pro hangs in the balance, awaiting a potential resurgence in popularity among consumers.