
The video of Argentinian players singing a racist song about France after winning the Copa America final has caused outrage. The words of the chant were offensive, making derogatory remarks about the players’ African heritage. This incident highlights a deeper issue of racism and transphobia in football.

While some players have issued apologies, the response from the football community has been lacking. Only black players have publicly condemned the incident, while white players have remained silent. This places the burden of addressing racism on black players, further isolating them.

It is crucial for all players, regardless of race, to speak out against racism. A unified stand against discrimination would send a powerful message and show genuine commitment to combating racism in football. The clubs of the players involved must also take responsibility and investigate the incident, ensuring appropriate action is taken.

Chelsea is the only club that has addressed the issue so far. However, other clubs have remained silent, avoiding the uncomfortable conversation. This silence undermines the efforts to create an inclusive and welcoming environment in football.

Despite the campaigns and initiatives against racism in football, moments like this expose the lack of real action. It is essential for the entire football community to actively condemn racism and work towards a more inclusive sport. Only through collective effort and solidarity can football truly combat racism and discrimination.