
In a recent incident caught on video, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon’s top aide, Joseph Iniguez, was arrested after interrupting police officers who had pulled over his then-fiance for a suspected traffic violation. Iniguez, who was the No. 2 prosecutor in Los Angeles at the time, was riding shotgun when the incident occurred. The video, recorded on a cellphone by Iniguez, shows him telling the officers, “You’ve pulled over the wrong person, let me tell you.” He also urged the officers to check his license plates, which would have revealed that he worked for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

Despite Iniguez’s attempts to interfere, the officer proceeded to arrest both the driver and Iniguez himself. Iniguez can be heard arguing with the officers about the voluntary nature of field sobriety tests and the legality of the traffic stop. Ultimately, both Iniguez and his fiance were handcuffed and taken into custody.

This incident is not the only legal trouble facing Gascon’s office. Another top aide, Diana Teran, is facing an 11-count felony indictment for allegedly accessing Brady material against Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies improperly. The Association of Deputy District Attorneys has filed a lawsuit alleging that both Iniguez and Teran ordered subordinates to break the law.

Gascon, who was elected on an anti-police platform, has been criticized for his handling of the district attorney’s office. The recent arrest of his top aides raises questions about the ethical standards within the office and the conduct of its employees. As these legal issues unfold, it remains to be seen how Gascon’s office will address the allegations against his aides and uphold the integrity of the justice system.

The arrest of Iniguez and the indictment of Teran highlight the challenges facing the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. As the legal proceedings continue, the public scrutiny on Gascon’s office is likely to intensify. It is crucial for prosecutors to uphold the law and maintain ethical standards to ensure justice is served for all members of the community.