Long years behind bars are over for the 35-year-old from Giessen. He returns to Germany – and is given a warm welcome.

After more than six years in prison in Turkey, Patrick K., originally from Giessen, is back in Germany. The 35-year-old was welcomed by his family at Frankfurt Airport on Wednesday evening with flowers and posters, including one with the inscription “Welcome home, dear Patrick.” According to Turkish sources, the then 29-year-old was arrested in March 2018 in a military exclusion zone in the border area with Syria.

The returnee and his mother hugged each other in tears. “I am overwhelmed,” she told the German Press Agency. “You look good,” was the first thing her son said to her when they saw each other again.

According to his own statements, Patrick K. was met and examined by the federal police immediately after landing at the plane. After about two hours, he was able to see his family and supporters.

According to his lawyer, Patrick K. left the prison in Ankara on Sunday and was in deportation detention. The public prosecutor’s office in Turkey had accused him of wanting to join the Kurdish militia YPG in Syria. Like the banned Kurdish Workers’ Party PKK, this is considered a terrorist organization in Turkey. In October 2018, K. was sentenced to more than six years in prison for membership in a terrorist organization.

His mother confirmed on Tuesday that Patrick K. had only been in Turkey to go hiking. “My son is absolutely apolitical.” After his room in a hostel was ransacked, he sought help, hitchhiked and was finally let out of a car in the border area with Syria with the statement “you will find help here.” But that was anything but the help he needed, said his mother. “That’s when the horror began.”

During his time in prison, she received emotional and financial help, especially from the Kurdish community in Germany and from voices of solidarity from Cologne, said Patrick K.’s mother. Members of these organizations were also present at the airport on Wednesday evening when he arrived.