
Kevin Kwan, the renowned author of the “Crazy Rich Asians” trilogy, has a deep connection to jewelry that dates back to his childhood. In a recent interview, he shared the story behind an Art-Deco-cut imperial jade ring that holds a special place in his heart.

The ring, originally belonging to Kwan’s grandmother, features a lozenge-shaped imperial jade piece with three small diamonds on each side. The silver band is intricately detailed, resembling a cinched ribbon. Kwan described the moment he first laid eyes on the ring as a gasp-worthy experience due to the stunning green hue of the imperial jade.

According to Kwan, jade is believed to react to the oils and warmth of the body, becoming greener with prolonged wear. This unique characteristic adds to the allure of the ring, making it a timeless piece of jewelry that holds sentimental value for the author.

Kwan’s love for jewelry is evident in his writing, with descriptions of precious gems and accessories playing a significant role in his novels. His latest book, “Lies and Weddings,” features characters gossiping about a set of mothball-size pearls rumored to be worth millions or possibly fake. Jewelry has always been a central theme in Kwan’s work, attracting strangers who often approach him to showcase their own prized possessions.

The author’s upbringing, filled with trips to jewelry stores alongside his mother, grandmother, and aunts, laid the foundation for his appreciation of fine jewelry. While he may not wear the Art-Deco ring on a daily basis, Kwan cherishes it as a symbol of his family’s history and his own journey as a writer.

As Kwan continues to captivate readers with his storytelling, his personal connection to jewelry serves as a source of inspiration and nostalgia. The Art-Deco ring, with its rich history and vibrant green jade, embodies the enduring legacy of heirloom accessories that transcend generations.