resim 61
resim 61

Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer… According to an Ifop study, the French are particularly fond of astrology. It is that 41% of the Gauls believe in this discipline.

Thus, the latter is defined by the CNRTL as: “the art of interpreting the particular configurations [between certain stars and the signs of the zodiac] on a certain date, established in a chart of the sky, in order to determine the character of someone, to predict the future.”

While the other occult arts seem, without being totally shunned by France, much less widespread. Still according to the study cited above, cartomancy has only 23% of believers, slightly less than the gift of reading the lines of the hand: 29%.

So for the start of the school year, perhaps we should rely on the predictions of astrologers.

Luck, luck, who are you smiling at for this end of summer? While throughout the month of August, it was certain signs that had the most good news, it was around other symbols that stood out.

Farewell to the sun, melon and sunscreen, September is here and announces the beginning of autumn. Although winter is fast approaching, some people placed under the alignment of the planets will be able to take advantage of an unparalleled chance.

Planet has produced the slideshow below which presents the 6 signs that will have a lot for the next 30 days, according to data collected on Femme Actuelle, Cosmopolitan and Il est encore temps.

Last month, it was Cancer who was exceptionally lucky in love, according to Femme Actuelle… so who will have the most success in this area this fall?