The number of new cars non-surcharged to the purchase is continually decreasing. The application of the malus automobile “defines an additional fee to the tax on vehicle registration certificates (…) due to their emission of carbon dioxides” will be expanded further next year, according to the draft finance law for 2019.
To harden the device, the text introduced, in particular the lowering of the threshold for the application of malus to 117 g of CO2 per km as against 120 g currently. These changes should enable the ” generate 31 million euros of additional revenues (…) in order to finance, in particular, the premium the conversion.” Several members of the opposition have asked in vain for the removal of this measure. “Ask the French to participate in the ecological transition should not constantly be at the expense of their purchasing power or comfort to the minimum in order to be able to go to work, drive their children to school “, explained Véronique Louwagie (LR). The emphasis of the malus automobile “will have the consequence of penalizing our fellow-countrymen the more modest who don’t have the resources,” said for his part, Ludovic Pajot (RN).
The mps have also given their green light to the end of the tax exemption concerning the vehicle pick-up, until then, been exempted, including malus ecological, a measure that had been added to the text via an amendment in committee. Specifically, the penalty should now be applied in the pick-up double cabin (two rows of seats) but not to pick-up simple cabin, which are considered to be utilities.