
Parisians are not looking forward to the upcoming Olympics in their city, and they are making sure to let potential visitors know about it through TikTok. While many people around the world are excited about the Paris Olympics in 2024, residents like Miranda Starcevic are expressing their discontent on social media platforms. Miranda, a French American living in Paris, shared a video urging people to cancel their plans to visit the city during the Games.

In her TikTok video, Miranda emphasizes that the majority of French citizens, especially those from the middle class, do not support the idea of hosting the Olympic Games. She describes the situation as a “hot mess” and advises tourists to stay away. Her video has garnered over 700,000 views, indicating that her message has resonated with many people.

Another Parisian resident, Leo Nora, has also taken to TikTok to warn potential visitors about the challenges they may face during the Olympics. Leo describes the Games as “dangerous” and predicts that it will be “hell on Earth” for residents of Paris. She highlights the flaws in the organization of the event by the French government and local authorities, which have caused frustration among the city’s residents.

Leo’s videos shed light on the impact that hosting the Olympics will have on the daily lives of Parisians. From disruptions in transportation and accommodation to challenges in work arrangements, the Games are expected to create chaos for many people living in Paris. Some companies are reluctant to offer remote work options, forcing employees to navigate the difficulties of commuting and managing their daily routines during the event.

Overall, the sentiment among Parisians on TikTok is clear: the city is not prepared to welcome visitors for the Olympics, and residents are bracing themselves for the disruptions that lie ahead. As the countdown to the Games continues, it remains to be seen how Paris will navigate the challenges of hosting such a large-scale international event amidst growing discontent among its own citizens.