resim 569
resim 569

With a talk button in his ear and a camera under his shirt: a 50-year-old, equipped with sophisticated technology, tried to cheat on the theoretical driving test.

As the police announced, the cheating was only discovered after the exam on Monday in Ahaus in Münsterland: the examinee from Afghanistan had completed the test in German, but then did not understand a simple instruction.

The examiner, who became suspicious, then noticed a talk button in his ear and a cutout for a camera in the man’s T-shirt. Everything, including the antennas, was attached to a waist belt, according to the police. The equipment was seized and criminal proceedings were initiated. 

The man finally admitted to the police that the answers had been prompted to him by radio by another man. The investigation into this is ongoing, it said. He is said to have been standing in front of the building in his car, but was not found. 

In the Erzgebirgskreis, around 1,000 Ukrainian refugees are urgently looking for accommodation. A letter from the district office asks them to vacate their current apartments by mid-June.

A video shows young people chanting “foreigners out” while partying outside a club. The video is widely shared on social media. There are consequences for the first people in the video. Racist incidents also occurred in other places in Germany. All developments in the ticker.