With a controversial pension reform, the executive is relaunching the prospect of a minimum pension of 1,200 euros for all retirees. But, in the opposite case, is there a threshold not to be exceeded for his basic retirement? What is the maximum possible amount for your future retirement pension?
When you are an employee of the general scheme, your basic retirement pension cannot exceed a certain amount. Thus, in 2023, the basic retirement pension was set at a maximum of 1,833 euros gross per month, which corresponds to 50% of the Social Security ceiling. If the calculation of your pension refers to a higher amount, it will automatically be reduced to this maximum amount. To obtain this sum, it is necessary to have accumulated an annual income equal to the amount of the Social Security ceiling for 25 years.
It is possible to exceed this maximum amount if you are entitled to an increase in your pension. If you continue to work beyond the legal retirement age, if you have had at least 3 children or if you are disabled, you are one of these exceptions. In the event that your retirement pension is much lower due to missing quarters, you can also increase your pension by buying back quarters. It is possible to buy back up to 12 missing quarters.