The nice thing about vacation: In a hotel, you don’t have to worry about cleaning or cooking; you can just put your feet up and relax. However, you should follow certain rules so as not to annoy the staff.

As is the case everywhere, the same applies in hotels: be friendly and polite. The hotel staff will thank you.

After all, the hotel employees are not your serfs, they are just doing their job.

However, there are four things that will quickly drive the hotel staff crazy.

It starts at check-in: When you book a room, you pay the price that is stated on your booking. If you have found a better offer a short time before, this price cannot be transferred to your booking – even the staff at reception cannot help with this.

In addition, most employees are not authorized to negotiate prices for an overnight stay with you. Save yourself and the hotel staff from unpleasant situations and compare prices beforehand.

When you checked into your room, you expected a bedtime treat and a hairdryer in the bathroom, but you’re faced with nothing? Now it’s time to take a deep breath. If you complain loudly about missing things, you won’t make any friends in the hotel.

If you have forgotten something, remember that only people work in hotels – and hotel staff are forgiven for making mistakes. Next time, when booking, you should also take a close look to see whether there really is a hairdryer waiting for you in the bathroom or whether you have to bring your own.

Why eat in a crowded dining room when you can be more comfortable in bed? This is not a good idea. It is not only disgusting but also unhygienic to leave food and leftovers in the hallway or in the room. So it is not appropriate to take food from restaurants and dining rooms to your room – even sneaking snacks is frowned upon.

If you absolutely want to eat in your room, please ask at reception next time whether room service allows you to have a meal outside the dining room.

No matter how fluffy the towels and bathrobes are, hotel property must stay in the hotel.

Secretly pocketing something never works for long. After you leave, you will be charged for everything you have stolen. What’s more, stealing is also a criminal offense and in extreme cases you may even be banned from the premises.