Because of the Corona crisis WEF Slims down the worries of the Hoteliers
Because of the Corona crisis WEF Slims down the worries of the Hoteliers

Because of the Corona-crisis – WEF Slims down – the worries of the hoteliers because the next Meeting in Davos fails to humble, expects the local industry with a “huge loss in value-added”. Rita Flubacher, Holger Alich44 Kommentare44Das Next WEF will be smaller: According to the founder, Klaus Schwab, the Corona has put the crisis in some of the social problems openly.Photo: Christian Beutler/Keystone

not What is the duration of the critics so far, the Coronavirus: The World Economic Forum (WEF) has to keep its upcoming Meeting in Davos in January 2021 dimension reduction. Instead of the usual 2500 up to 3000 participants, this “gathering of billionaires, millionaires, world leaders, world-improvers, stuffed shirts, and journalists”, as the British historian Niall Ferguson scoffed at the last WEF – it may be only 1500 to 2000 people, as WEF is internally heard.

WEF founder Klaus Schwab called for the re-dimensioning of the meeting as a “unique twin peaks”. The theme will be “The great reset”. “The global health crisis has been the lack of sustainability of our old system in terms of social cohesion, the lack of equal opportunities and inclusivity disclosed,” said Schwab.

participants will be divided.

The required restart Schwab, the WEF in Davos begins: The “important” referred to global government and business leaders should be able to continue to meet in Davos All of the other, so to speak, the B-League will be organize in 420 cities around the world in Hubs and online Davos to be switched on. The WEF speaks of Thousands of young people. In the forum-English they are called “global shapers,” and among them are leaders, Born in 1980, young up-and-coming economy.

The WEF wants more, as it announced on Wednesday: In the Hubs, all interested citizens should be able to participate in the dialogue. In addition, “we will mobilize global media and social media networks of millions of people”. You would receive access to the discussions in Davos.

The euphoric description of “unique twin summit” in Davos, by nature, less enthusiasm. The Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, night clubs, shops and private owners the world renowned gathering of the Powerful from year to year offers a tremendous earning potential.

Ernst “Aschi” Wyrsch, longtime Director of the Grand hotel Belvédère in Davos fears a “huge loss in value-added”. Apartment sink and load be for rent could rent. He notes because of nervousness among the residents. Davos live mainly from foreigners, which is a concentration of risk. If these guests were missing due to the pandemic in the summer, could not field a reduced WEF, the losses only.

“It would have definitely increased beds free for counsellors, accompanying persons, administration staff, journalists, security people and police, which otherwise would have to stay further away.”

Michael Straub, country clerk of the municipality of Davos,

Michael Straub, country clerk of the municipality of Davos, is more confident. A reduced number of participants does not mean that there will be empty beds in Davos. “It would have definitely increased beds free for counsellors, accompanying persons, administration staff, journalists, security people and police, which otherwise would have to stay further away.” The Pius App, owner of the Davos Hotels Schatzalp sees: “The Hotels will be during the WEF in full, we have always had twice as many requests as available room capacities.”

Due to the epidemiological Situation, the scenarios of the upcoming WEF meeting are currently, but anyway, out of focus, says Straub. The Federal office for health (BAG) announced that “the as force protection concepts are to be complied with, depending on how the situation looks like then, and what are the rules (upper limit for events, etc.) apply”. The BAG will “Stand today” – no controls on the ground. At most, the Canton do this.

enterprises to participate in

it is Unclear whether due to the planned Downsizing of the company less representative to Davos must send. “We have from the Forum so far, no information”, say the representatives of some large corporations.

in addition to the discussions about the improvement of the world, the Forum is always a business where executives meet with key customers or suppliers.

The Forum has the legal form of a Foundation, which counts around 1000 members. The year contributions for the company are in relation to the member status and start at 60’000 Swiss francs in the year. Depending on the member status, a company may send one or more representatives – what is the cost of in addition to the annual fee of about 25’000 Swiss francs plus VAT per Ticket.

“The one says, what interests us is to continue our people to Davos send”, a top Manager. Because in addition to the discussions about the improvement of the world, the Forum is always a business where executives meet with key customers or suppliers.

Ex-Hotelier Wyrsch and long-time connoisseurs of the Spirit of Davos is convinced that the physical presence in Davos continues to be extremely important for Networking. Therefore he firmly believes that the WEF will take place in the next year, again in full occupation. Then Davos will survive the feared loss in value-added.

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