Become a vegetarian or eat your pet a new reality show shocked not only the United Kingdom
Become a vegetarian or eat your pet a new reality show shocked not only the United Kingdom

As a cute, chick, or lamb and feed them to the press. And then get the choice of your pet and eat it or the meat will be. That is, the setting up of a new tv show in the United Kingdom.

the butcher of The Family. , the name of the latest realityprogramma on the British tv channel Channel 4. , and The participating families were being lured to join in with a little trick: “we are making an experimental documentary film that asks the question of how much we really know about the animals that we have on our board. We are seeking warm families, that their home may wish to share with the animals that they would normally eat, like a chicken or a lamb. In three weeks they will learn all about the animals, as they are a band to build.”

Some of the families did not know was that after those three weeks, and for a heartbreaking choice would have to be made. “Do you have enough of your pet is to take it to a toevluchtstoord, or send it to the slaughterhouse and then you have the former member served, to gain?”

The program will show you how intelligent dogs are, and shows you how things are going to be in the farms where they are grown. “We’ll show you startling insights which make us question why are some animals pets, and other things on our plate and planet.”

The program, it will only be next year on tv, but in the Uk, is already controversial. “It has been a very hot topic”, and thus defend the founder, She Stand in The Guardian . “How do you get your dog to cuddle with while you have another creature in the furnace puts out? You can still eat meat, if you will, the animal has a name and a face, you have been given?”

the way the families are, remains a mystery. However, as is stressed by the founder: “The series also includes a few heart-warming moments as well.”

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