For several months now, Marlène* has been experiencing a great passion, a pure “gift”, which she is taking full advantage of. Joyful interview with a 70-year-old woman who is having the time of her life.

“I feel like I’ve never made love in my life before him!”, declares our amazed interlocutor right off the bat, met recently to share her joy, tell her happiness and dare to make a few thoughts. With a smile on her face, she is delighted to confide and it shows. “You have to live your passions,” she affirms. “Life is short!”

Notice to all those who told her that it couldn’t be, that men only want younger women, and other killjoy comments: her lover is 15 years younger than her and that doesn’t make her a fan. fold. ” Love has no age ! she beams. Let’s abolish prejudices! Let’s take ourselves as we are and have fun! Do you like to ! »

Optimistic, our interlocutor? Affirmative. However, life is far from having always smiled on him. She looks back on her memories without being asked, even if it is mainly about the present that she wants to talk about. Married in her early twenties, her first partner stopped wanting her quite quickly thank you, after just a few years. “I was walking around naked in front of him and he wasn’t reacting! It upset me a little…”, she remembers. “I could tell it wasn’t working. » They end up divorcing in their late twenties, after which Marlène leaves on a trip. “I am recovering my lost, forgotten or never known life,” she sums up philosophically.

Abroad, she made a few lovers, including one who followed her to Montreal. She still remembers it, and draws several parallels with her current lover. “That’s all we did! she said, laughing. He had lots of ideas, he was imaginative, less routine, romantic. We were leaving tradition. »

Certainly, “there aren’t a hundred thousand positions,” she concedes. But there are other things: currently, my boyfriend wakes me up at night! », she illustrates, jumping cheerfully from the past to the present.

In her early thirties, Marlène was introduced to another man, who would become her second husband. The relationship spanned almost 40 years, until his recent death. Basically: “The first 15 years it worked. And after that, it didn’t work anymore,” she sums up laconically. They didn’t touch each other for months at all. “Today I would scream! But at the time, I said to myself: he’s my husband. My mother always told me, “He doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, he’s faithful.” That was the key to success! We didn’t talk about sexuality at the time! »

Jumping back to the present, our interlocutor adds enthusiastically: “I tell you, when I met the man I’m with, it had been ten years since I had made love!”

She thinks out loud. “Desire is difficult to maintain over the years, it takes a lot of chemistry. My boyfriend says me and him are a perfect fit! »

Two years ago, her (ex-)husband died following a long illness. Widowed, Marlène goes on vacation a few weeks later. And that’s where, quite by chance, she meets another man, the same man who will become, a year later, her current lover. Here we are.

They chat briefly on a beach, then reconnect virtually. “I hate social media,” she laughs. “If it hadn’t been for that, it never would have happened!”

Online, the gentleman quickly charms her. He is kind, encouraging, gentle. “Just that, for me, was a crush! » It still takes many months before they see each other again, and in a completely chaste manner, to begin with, it should be noted. “He didn’t jump on me, nothing! Nothing was happening, but we were talking non-stop! »

Once again, the conversation charms her. Monsieur is listening. Friendly. Empathetic. She ends up inviting him to her house. “I couldn’t take it anymore,” she confides, “we watched a film, stuck together, stuck together, then we started kissing passionately! »

It was last fall.

From ? “I think I’m really in love! Marlène tells us, all smiles. I would give him the moon! » He visibly fills her with joy, in life in general, and in bed, in particular. “I’ve always felt like a woman, but with him, even more so! […] From the start, it could last all night! It’s intense, I’ve never experienced that! »

She thanks life for putting this man on her path. ” Thank God ! Otherwise, I would have missed a step! »

She has never known a man who was so attentive, kind, and focused on things, we understand. Above all, she never thought she would live such a fulfilling life one day. If you want to know everything, she slips, “he wakes me up at 4 a.m. by masturbating. I’ve never experienced that! “. If she likes it? ” I love that ! “Of course, it’s not easy,” she says, laughing. “Sometimes it takes me two days to get over it, but it doesn’t matter! It’s crazy, and I love this madness, and so does he! » Anecdotes like this, naughty little gestures and other unusual sensual caresses, she has them in spades. “I could talk about this all day!” »

Note that no, they do not live together, and she does not have the slightest intention of doing so. ” I do not want. I still want to see him again, but I am a very independent person. I like to be at home for two or three days, I like to do my own business alone. […] I only want the best with him. » Philosopher again, she adds: “I’m 70 years old, I’m not looking for a father for my children. I’m not looking for a rich man…” She’s only looking for a good time.

And she only focuses on the good, precisely. “I love him the way he is,” she insists. It’s not perfect, and I don’t want to change it. I have other things to do in life! »

“No one believes what I’m experiencing,” she adds. I have friends who have been looking for ten years. I have friends who especially seek the impossible! I like it, it suits me, and it’s not perfect. And then if it no longer works, what I experienced will nourish me until the end of my days! », she concludes, still smiling.

*Fictitious first name, to protect anonymity.