
Beloved Guide Dog of Inspirational Blind USC Long Snapper Jake Olson Passes Away

In a college football locker room, where barking is a common occurrence, there was once a special yellow Labrador named Quebec. Quebec served as the guide dog for Jake Olson, a blind USC long snapper who has inspired many with his story of perseverance and determination. Sadly, Quebec passed away at the age of 14, leaving Olson heartbroken.

Olson, now a motivational speaker, took to Instagram to express his deep gratitude for Quebec, his loyal companion for 13 years. He shared memories of their time together, from high school graduation to playing in the Coliseum to meeting a US president. Quebec was more than just a guide dog to Olson; he was a constant source of love and support.

Despite losing his sight at a young age due to a rare form of eye cancer, Olson never let his disability hold him back. He joined the USC football team in 2015 and made headlines in 2017 when he snapped the ball during a game, scoring a point-after kick. With Quebec by his side, Olson proved that anything is possible with determination and a positive attitude.

Quebec’s passing marks the end of an era for Olson, but his legacy will live on in the hearts of all those he touched. As Olson navigates this difficult time, he holds onto the memories and lessons he learned from his beloved guide dog, Quebec.

Rest in peace, Quebec. You will always be remembered and loved.

Jake Olson is a former USC long snapper who gained national attention for his inspiring story of overcoming blindness to excel in college football. Born on April 20, 1997, Olson was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer, at a young age. Despite losing his sight, Olson continued to pursue his passion for sports and academics.

Olson joined the USC football team in 2015 and made history in 2017 when he snapped the ball during a game, showcasing his determination and resilience. Alongside his guide dog, Quebec, Olson became a symbol of hope and perseverance for many.

In addition to his athletic achievements, Olson is a motivational speaker and author, sharing his story of overcoming adversity with audiences around the world. His positive attitude and unwavering spirit have inspired countless individuals to never give up on their dreams.