
President Biden took full responsibility for his poor debate performance against former President Trump, admitting it was a “bad episode” caused by exhaustion and lack of preparation. In his first major television interview since the debate, Biden told ABC News host George Stephanopoulos that the blame was his alone and not a sign of a serious condition.

During the interview, Biden revealed that he did not watch the debate afterwards, claiming he was feeling ill and even had his doctors test him for COVID-19 due to his symptoms. Despite reports suggesting his inner circle was blaming aides for his performance, Biden insisted that the fault lay with himself.

The president’s candid admission comes as concerns about his viability as a candidate for the 2024 presidential nominee continue to grow. Following the CNN Presidential Debate, where Biden’s performance was heavily criticized, some Democrats are questioning his ability to defeat Trump and are urging him to step aside.

Despite the mounting pressure, Biden has reaffirmed his commitment to staying in the race and defeating Trump. He has dismissed calls for him to bow out, telling supporters that he will not let one debate overshadow his years of work.

However, the calls for Biden to make way for a new nominee are intensifying, with four House Democrats publicly urging him to step aside. There are also reports of letters circulating among House Democrats calling for Biden’s resignation, indicating a growing discontent within the party.

As Biden faces increasing scrutiny over his debate performance and overall fitness for office, his decision to take full responsibility for the debacle may not be enough to silence his critics. The upcoming primetime interview with Stephanopoulos will be a crucial moment for the 81-year-old president as he seeks to reassure voters and supporters of his capabilities.

In the midst of these challenges, Biden’s determination to stay in the race and defeat Trump remains unwavering. Whether he can overcome the doubts and criticisms surrounding his candidacy will become clearer in the coming weeks as the 2024 presidential election draws closer.