
Joe Biden and his team are gearing up for a star-studded fundraiser in Hollywood as they compete against former President Trump’s successful fundraising efforts in California. With less than five months until the November election, Biden will be joined by former President Obama at a gala in downtown Los Angeles, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and featuring Hollywood heavyweights like George Clooney and Julia Roberts. This event is expected to bring in millions of dollars for the Democratic campaign.

Both Biden and Trump have been able to raise substantial amounts of money in California, with Trump’s recent fundraising swing through the state netting him an estimated $27.5 million. Additionally, an extra $6 million was raised for outside groups supporting Trump’s 2024 election rematch with Biden. Trump’s campaign has been working hard to close the fundraising gap with Biden, with impressive results in recent months.

While Trump’s fundraising efforts in California were fueled by wealthy GOP donors, Biden’s event is organized by the Democratic Hollywood machine. Although Biden may not have the same close ties to Hollywood as some of his Democratic predecessors, his presence still draws significant support from the entertainment industry. This event comes after delays in fundraising efforts last year due to strikes by Hollywood labor unions.

The Biden campaign has enlisted the help of various stars and performers from the entertainment world, including actor Robert De Niro and Star Wars legend Mark Hamill. Hollywood heavyweights like Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg have also played key roles in organizing fundraising events for Biden. The involvement of these celebrities adds an extra layer of excitement and glamour to the campaign.

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign has criticized Biden for missing a peace conference on Ukraine to attend the Hollywood fundraiser. Trump’s weekend in Michigan will include events with everyday Americans, contrasting with what his campaign calls Biden’s elitist gathering with celebrity benefactors. This highlights the different approaches taken by the two campaigns in engaging with voters and raising funds.

As the 2024 election approaches, both Biden and Trump are making strategic moves to secure the support and resources needed for a successful campaign. The competition for funds in blue states like California reflects the high stakes of the upcoming election, with both candidates pulling out all the stops to gain an edge. The role of Hollywood celebrities and entertainment industry figures in supporting political campaigns adds a unique and dynamic element to the electoral process, showcasing the intersection of politics and celebrity culture in the United States.