
President Biden seems to be playing a strategic game by resisting pressure to end his re-election campaign. By running out the clock, he is making it increasingly difficult for Democrats to replace him at the last minute. The longer he stays in the race, the more complicated it becomes to find a new candidate and the riskier the situation gets. This strategy might force his opponents to back down and unite behind him.

The idea of Democratic infighting over a replacement for President Biden might be more damaging to the party than supporting him, especially with the unified Republican Party backing former President Donald J. Trump. Even though concerns about Mr. Biden’s age and health persist, the chaos that could ensue from a last-minute replacement might be more detrimental.

Consultant James Carville described the situation as a mess, pointing out that if President Biden continues to resist stepping aside, everyone might eventually give up due to the hassle involved. Some Democratic leaders have already voiced their support for Mr. Biden, emphasizing the need for unity to combat the threat posed by Trump and his policies.

The timing seems to be in President Biden’s favor. While attention shifts to Mr. Trump’s upcoming nomination and running mate selection, Mr. Biden is working behind the scenes to maintain support within the Democratic Party. With 35 days between key events in July and August, the Biden campaign, in collaboration with the Democratic National Committee, is prepared to expedite the nomination process.

President Biden’s strategy of running out the clock may prove to be successful in the end. Despite concerns about his age and health, his resistance to stepping aside is forcing Democrats to consider the potential consequences of a last-minute replacement. As the days go by, the likelihood of rallying behind Mr. Biden instead of engaging in divisive infighting becomes more appealing to the party. Time will tell if this gamble pays off for the President and the Democratic Party.