
President Biden has seen a significant increase in support among independent voters, a crucial group in key battleground states, according to a recent NPR/PBS News/Marist poll. Less than 10 days away from the first presidential debate, Biden has turned a 12-percentage point deficit among independents into a 50%-48% lead over Trump in this group, compared to a previous poll in May.

In a head-to-head matchup among voters who definitely plan to vote in the November general election, Trump maintains a slight one percentage point lead (50%-49%). However, the two candidates are tied at 49%-49% among overall registered voters, including those who are undecided but leaning toward a candidate.

When including independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as well as other third-party candidates like Dr. Cornel West, Dr. Jill Stein, and Chase Oliver, Trump’s lead over Biden remains at one percentage point (42%-41%).

According to the poll, white voters favor Trump over Biden by a margin of 55%-43%, while non-white voters favor Biden 58%-40%. Voters under the age of 45 are split evenly at 50% for each candidate, while Trump holds a slight advantage (49%-48%) among voters over the age of 45.

In terms of key issues, voters believe Trump would handle the economy, immigration, and the U.S. role on the world stage better than Biden. On the other hand, they believe Biden would be better at preserving democracy, handling abortion, and caring for the average person.

The top issue for voters in this election is inflation (30%), followed by democracy (29%), immigration (18%), healthcare (8%), abortion (8%), and crime (6%). A majority of 55% express dissatisfaction with both Trump and Biden as candidates, with more Biden voters (58%) than Trump voters (49%) specifically stating their dissatisfaction.

Biden’s favorability rating stands at 41%, with 53% viewing him unfavorably, while Trump’s favorability ratings are similar, with 42% viewing him favorably and 53% unfavorably. Regarding Trump’s recent conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records, 51% believe he should serve jail time, while 47% disagree.

The first debate between Trump and Biden is set to take place on June 27 in Atlanta, hosted by CNN. Stay updated on the latest developments from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more at our Fox News Digital election hub.