
President Biden’s team is hard at work preparing him for the upcoming debate with Donald J. Trump. They want to show Biden as a strong fighter who can think on his feet and address concerns about his age. Biden has been at Camp David, where they have set up a mock debate stage in a movie theater and airplane hangar. About 16 current and former aides have come from Washington and Wilmington to help Biden with his strategy.

This will be Biden’s fifth day of preparation at Camp David. The goal is to help him shake off any rust that comes with being the incumbent and address worries that he may be too old to be an effective president. Both Biden and Trump are out of practice when it comes to debates, so Biden’s team wants to make sure he is ready. They are aware of past mistakes made by incumbents in debates and want to avoid them.

Biden’s top advisers, including Ron Klain, are focused on positioning Biden as a strong candidate who can think on his feet and respond to attacks from Trump. Trump is known for his quick insults, so Biden needs to be prepared to counter them effectively. The days at Camp David are not strictly structured, and Biden works with his advisers on what they think needs the most attention at that moment.

Overall, the preparations at Camp David are intense as Biden gets ready to face off against Trump in the upcoming debate. Biden’s team is focused on making sure he is prepared to handle anything that comes his way and show voters that he is the right choice for president.