
President Biden is facing challenges as his family members, particularly his son Hunter Biden, have been under scrutiny in the media. According to reports, the president is feeling distracted and upset by the negative attention his family is receiving, especially during Hunter Biden’s recent trial. People close to the president have indicated that he is often frustrated by the attacks on his family.

Hunter Biden’s struggles with addiction, along with his sister Ashley Biden’s similar issues, have been highlighted in the media. Ashley’s rehab diary was stolen and posted online in 2020, adding to the family’s troubles. The president is said to be deeply saddened by his children’s struggles, with one source describing his emotions as “impenetrable sadness.”

Aides to President Biden are aware of his sensitivity to negative news about his family and have been advised to tread carefully around him during such times. This situation has led the president to lean more on his long-time confidants for support. Additionally, Biden reportedly feels guilty and blames his re-election campaign for Hunter’s legal troubles, suggesting that things might have been different if he had not run for president.

Despite the challenges facing his family, President Biden has made it clear that he will not pardon his son, who is facing potential jail time for charges related to the purchase of a firearm. However, he has not ruled out the possibility of commuting Hunter’s sentence in the future.

In her memoir, Biden’s sister Valerie expressed concerns about her brother running for president, fearing that the family would struggle to cope with the attention and scrutiny that comes with such a high-profile position. She admitted to worrying about Hunter, the grandkids, and Joe himself, indicating that she felt they had been through enough.

As the situation unfolds, the White House has not provided any comment on the matter. Despite the challenges facing his family, President Biden continues to navigate his responsibilities as the leader of the nation, balancing personal concerns with his duties in office.