
President Biden’s recent immigration actions are shedding light on his approach to a contentious issue in the upcoming 2024 election. The President has made it clear that immigrants who have been living in the United States illegally for an extended period, contributing to society and establishing roots, will be allowed to remain in the country. On the other hand, those who have recently arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border, fleeing poverty and persecution, will face delays in receiving asylum.

In the past month, President Biden has made two significant moves regarding immigration. He has expanded legal protections for undocumented spouses of American citizens, while also tightening border security to limit the number of asylum seekers entering the country. This dual approach underscores his stance on the immigration issue – supporting existing immigrants while restricting new arrivals.

This strategy, dubbed as a “border-in vs. border-out” approach by a former White House official, reflects the intricate nature of the immigration debate, which is a major concern for voters from both political parties in the upcoming presidential campaign. Recent polls indicate that the majority of American voters view the situation at the southern border as a pressing problem and are more likely to trust former President Donald J. Trump to address it rather than President Biden.

Democrats are optimistic that President Biden’s recent actions will help alleviate the immigration issue. According to Matt A. Barreto, a Biden campaign pollster specializing in Latino politics, Americans differentiate between long-term undocumented immigrants and new arrivals. This distinction is crucial in shaping public opinion and could potentially sway voters in the upcoming election.

President Biden’s approach to immigration is aimed at striking a balance between addressing the concerns of existing immigrants while maintaining border security to deter new arrivals. By focusing on providing support to immigrants already in the country and implementing measures to control the influx of asylum seekers, the President hopes to navigate the complex and divisive immigration landscape.

As the 2024 election approaches, immigration remains a key issue that will influence voter sentiment. President Biden’s recent actions are a reflection of his administration’s efforts to address the challenges posed by immigration while navigating the political dynamics surrounding the issue. By taking a nuanced approach that considers the needs of both existing immigrants and new arrivals, President Biden aims to chart a path forward that balances compassion with security in the realm of immigration policy.