
President Biden’s closest allies are starting to believe that he might be considering withdrawing from the race for the presidency in November. While one person familiar with his thinking mentioned that he hasn’t made a final decision yet, others close to him have suggested that he is coming to terms with the possibility of not being able to secure a victory in the upcoming election.

The pressure on President Biden to step down has been mounting, with key members of his party expressing concerns about his chances of winning. With polls showing a significant decline in his support in battleground states, the president’s inner circle is reportedly discussing the option of endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement.

Three main factors seem to have contributed to President Biden’s potential decision to withdraw from the race. Firstly, the strong stance taken by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, secondly, the discouraging state polls indicating a slim chance of an Electoral College victory, and lastly, the withdrawal of support from crucial party donors.

Discussions among the president’s advisors have progressed to the point of considering the timing and details of a potential announcement if President Biden decides to end his re-election bid. While there is speculation that an announcement could be imminent, the uncertainty surrounding the timing is partly due to the president’s current isolation at his vacation home following a Covid diagnosis.

According to sources close to the president, the situation is delicate and requires careful handling. While many Democrats outside of the White House anticipate that President Biden may step down soon, there is also a sense of caution given the limited number of confidants he consults with.

Overall, the growing speculation about President Biden’s potential withdrawal from the race reflects the increasing pressure on him to reassess his candidacy. As the situation continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how the president will navigate this challenging decision in the coming days.