
A group of Black male voters expressed their disillusionment with both President Biden and Donald Trump, stating that they feel like they are choosing between the lesser of two evils. Rapper Hitman Holla compared the decision to voting for the lesser evil as deciding between burning your hand in an oven or a toaster. This sentiment was echoed by rapper John John Da Don, who mentioned that he felt more change occurred during Trump’s presidency compared to Biden’s term.

Antonio Brooks, a community organizer in Michigan, emphasized that he is tired of being forced to choose between candidates that do not align with his beliefs. Recent polls have shown a significant drop in support for Biden among Black voters in key battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. Trump has gained more support among Black voters compared to the previous election.

Hurley Coleman III, the CEO of Saginaw, Michigan’s Community Action Committee, expressed his belief in President Biden’s agenda and plans for the economy. He mentioned that he will closely monitor Biden’s policies leading up to the election. Another voter, Roy Baldwin, who owns a barbecue restaurant, discussed feeling the impact of inflation and his skepticism about either candidate’s ability to make a significant difference in the economy.

Despite their reservations, both Coleman and Baldwin highlighted the importance of exercising their right to vote and participating in the democratic process. They emphasized the significance of having a voice and the privilege of being able to vote, even if they feel unsatisfied with the current political options. Their perspectives reflect the complex feelings and considerations that Black male voters are grappling with as they navigate their choices in the upcoming election.