
Democratic and leftist groups are making plans on how to resist and get ready for the possible return of former President Trump to the White House. They are taking measures, like blue state governors stockpiling abortion pills. The Supreme Court made a decision against a challenge to the FDA’s approval process of the abortion drug Mifepristone. But, some Democratic Party leaders are getting ready for a situation where the Trump administration cancels the approval or makes it a crime to send Mifepristone across state lines using the 1873 Comstock Act. “The Democratic governor of Washington State, Jay Inslee, stated that he has secured a large enough supply of Mifepristone pills to maintain access for women in his state if Trump returns to office. The pills are stored in a state warehouse,” according to The New York Times.

Governor Inslee is not the only one taking this step. The Times reported that he is one of at least five Democratic governors who have gathered stockpiles of Mifepristone to protect against any potential Trump administration using federal power to prevent its distribution across states. The other governors include those from California, Massachusetts, New York, and Oregon. “We have it physically in the state of Washington, which could prevent him and his anti-choice forces from banning its distribution,” Inslee told The Times. “It has a life span of five or six years. If there was another Trump administration, it’ll get us through.”

Inslee’s team argued that the FDA could cancel its approval of the pills. In that case, they would argue that the FDA does not have the authority to limit the usage of the existing stockpiles of pills in different states, as long as they do not cross state lines. In April, Trump mentioned his support for leaving abortion decisions to the states and the people. He had previously shown support for a 15-week abortion limit, while Mifepristone can be used for up to 10 weeks. He has not specifically commented on the abortion pill.

Apart from abortion pills, leftist groups are getting ready to challenge Trump on various issues legally. One group, Democracy Forward, has created a 15-page threat matrix covering topics like abortion, healthcare, climate, civil rights, environmental protections, immigration, and the ‘weaponization of government.’ They have started to recruit sympathetic plaintiffs who could have legal standing in court. The Times reported that while not wanting to show a lack of confidence in Biden’s campaign, leftist groups are worried by Biden’s low approval ratings and his trailing of Trump in polls of key states for the election.