
President Biden’s campaign is excited about the series of events being organized by Senator Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin to rally workers before the 2024 election, where former President Trump is also trying to appeal to this group. Sanders is holding six “Building Working Class Power” events in different parts of Wisconsin from Wednesday to Saturday. The Biden campaign’s Wisconsin press secretary, Timothy White, mentioned that they are thrilled to have Senator Bernie Sanders campaigning for Joe Biden, who they believe is fighting for the working people. On the other hand, they criticized Trump for focusing on tax handouts for the wealthy.

Bernie Sanders’ rallies aim to build working-class power, and even though he is an independent, the Democratic Party recognizes the importance of unity in this election. The rallies are seen as a symbol of collaboration between progressives and centrists to ensure that Trump does not win the White House again. Sanders, who had a significant victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primary in Wisconsin, is known for advocating for workers’ rights.

Eric Schultz, a senior adviser to former President Obama, emphasized the importance of having leadership that supports working people in Washington. Sanders is seen as a strong voice for working individuals and a critical figure in this election. Democratic strategist Brad Bannon highlighted Sanders’ commitment to key issues such as Medicare for all and climate change. He suggested that the senator’s tour could also be a way of campaigning for the Labor secretary position in Biden’s second term.

While Biden had previously considered Sanders for the role, it was not given due to potential risks in the Senate. However, Sanders did not comment on whether he would accept the role if offered. Sanders’ visit to worker-heavy Wisconsin coincides with Trump’s efforts to appeal to the same demographic by engaging with labor unions and workers’ groups. Trump’s campaign spokesperson criticized Sanders as a socialist who takes money away from hardworking people.

The competition for working-class voters between Biden and Trump is heating up, with both sides making promises to benefit the average worker. Biden’s campaign focuses on accountability, reducing costs, and building an inclusive economy, while Trump emphasizes tax cuts and reducing inflation. The 2024 campaign trail is intensifying, with both candidates vying for the support of key demographics in swing states like Wisconsin.