
In a surprising turn of events, Boris Johnson has emerged from his political hiatus, reentering the political fray just in time for a crucial election. The former Prime Minister’s return to the forefront of British politics comes with a significant intervention, as he throws his weight behind two Tory mayoral candidates in a bid to bolster their campaigns.

Today, Boris Johnson penned a letter of endorsement for West Midlands Mayor Andy Street and lent his voice to a video supporting Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen. Both candidates find themselves in the midst of fierce battles for reelection, with their political futures hanging in the balance.

Addressing voters in the West Midlands, Johnson urged them to look beyond the controversies surrounding the current government and focus instead on the candidates vying for leadership in their region. In his letter, he emphasized the importance of local issues and personal reputations, urging voters to consider who they want at the helm for the next four years.

Similarly, Johnson’s message to voters in Teesside was one of commendation for Mayor Ben Houchen’s track record of accomplishments during his tenure. From revitalizing Teesside Airport to spearheading the creation of the UK’s largest freeport, Houchen’s achievements have not gone unnoticed by the former PM, who lauds his commitment to delivering on promises.

In his characteristic style, Johnson didn’t shy away from taking a dig at Houchen’s opponent, Chris McEwan, labeling him as “sleepy Chris” and urging voters to put him to rest in favor of Houchen’s proactive leadership.

While national polling paints a challenging picture for the Conservative Party, with predictions of significant losses in council seats, the popularity and strong records of Street and Houchen suggest they may weather the storm. Recent YouGov polls indicate a close race in the West Midlands, with Street holding a slim lead over Labour, while Houchen enjoys a more comfortable margin of support in Teesside.

Despite the potential for success in specific mayoral races, there’s a sense of trepidation within Conservative ranks about the broader electoral landscape. Concerns linger over potential losses in council seats, with Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s constituency particularly vulnerable to a Labour surge. Additionally, polling suggests that neighboring North Yorkshire may see a shift in power towards Labour, further complicating the Tories’ electoral prospects.

As the countdown to the election intensifies, all eyes are on Boris Johnson’s unexpected return to the political arena and the impact it may have on shaping the outcome of this pivotal moment in British politics.