She has appeared alongside models and key political figures. For the traditional military parade on Thursday July 14, 2022, Brigitte Macron saw things big, to say the least! As Madame Figaro explains on her site, she decided to bring Naomi Campbell, British top model. The two women, visibly complicit, even opted for outfits from the same designer. They were dressed by Louis Vuitton. The first chose a belted and printed dress, decorated with key motifs and a structured ascot collar. The second preferred a silver dress, matching her white boots, details the weekly publication.
This choice of outfit, indicates La Dépêche on its site, has “not gone unnoticed”. Quite the contrary: it has even been commented on enough on social networks. Thus, many Internet users – who did not hesitate to state their criticisms of the former teacher – did not fail to point out the price of such a set. And for good reason, insists the magazine Closer on its site: it is neither more nor less than a luxury dress.
Brigitte Macron’s dress, “both elegant and contemporary” according to our colleagues, is displayed at a price of 2,900 euros on the brand’s website. The First Lady, who almost swears by Louis Vuitton since her husband’s first election, does not systematically pay for the outfits she wears, recalls Gala. Very often, the latter are lent to him by the brands, because of his “growing influence”. Some have even gone so far as to wonder about the hidden meaning behind the First Lady’s wardrobe…
Discover, in our slideshow below, the latest look of Brigitte Macron.