
A British couple, Andrew and Victoria Gore, both 47, had a mix-up at the airport that led to them being flown to Lithuania instead of Spain for their family vacation. They were supposed to go to Barcelona and then to Costa Brava to celebrate Mr. Gore’s birthday. However, they boarded the wrong flight with Ryanair, while the rest of their family made it to Barcelona.

The couple described the experience as a “nightmare” and felt distraught when they realized they were in Lithuania instead of Spain. Mr. Gore, who is an amputee, and Mrs. Gore, who is autistic, had booked special assistance at Bristol Airport in England, as they had done on previous trips without any issues. They were taken to the wrong aircraft despite having their boarding passes checked multiple times.

After alerting Ryanair officials about the mistake, they were rebooked on a flight to Barcelona from Riga, Latvia, the next morning. The airline provided them with overnight accommodation and arranged a 150-mile Uber ride to the airport. Although they eventually made it to their hotel in Costa Brava, their luggage arrived two days later since they did not board their original flight from Bristol.

The couple expressed their relief at finally reaching their destination but emphasized the stress and exhaustion they experienced due to the mix-up. They mentioned that their family was worried, and the whole ordeal left a lasting impact on them.

Both Bristol Airport and Ryanair are investigating the incident to prevent similar occurrences in the future. The airport stated that all customers’ travel documentation is checked before boarding, while the airline mentioned that crew members make announcements about the flight destination before departure. They apologized to the couple for any inconvenience caused.

In conclusion, the Gores’ travel mishap serves as a reminder of the importance of double-checking travel arrangements and ensuring clear communication with airline staff. Despite the challenges they faced, the couple managed to make the best of the situation and eventually reached their intended destination.