Broadband coverage in the state of Hesse Darmstadt Germany with the best connection
Broadband coverage in the state of Hesse Darmstadt Germany with the best connection

In the digital city of Darmstadt, but also in Wiesbaden, the citizens in the state of Hesse is the fastest on the Internet. There was 98.2, respectively, 98 percent of households have a connection with 50 megabits per second or more. In Offenbach, there are still some 96.5 percent and in Frankfurt, of 94.9. Among the counties of the Hoch-Taunus provides the best care. There, 96.4 percent of the households have a corresponding access – the nationwide circles of the top place among the country. Behind the Main-Taunus-Kreis (95,4), the wetterau (93,9), and the district of Offenbach (93,8) in Hessen. In a nationwide comparison, the counties of the district of Offenbach to reach this place six, emphasised district administrator Oliver Quilling (CDU). This was a response by the Federal government in November to a small request of a number of members and the FDP parliamentary group on the state of broadband development in Germany.

Eberhard Black

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the district of Offenbach.

F. A. Z.

In the North of Hessen, a clear urban-rural, divide: In the city of Kassel, 91.7% of the households is broadband available in the district of Kassel, in contrast, only 53.5 percent. The conclusion of the lights in the state of Hesse to the Vogelsberg (51,3) and, Schwalm-Eder-Kreis (45,5).

Decisive for the location factor

Since last fall, more than 120,000 of the overall good of 152,000 households could benefit in the district of Offenbach, the fast Internet, the Telekom, with shares Quilling. Most of the customers could actually book a Fare with up to 100 megabits per second. The requirements of the circuit, providing a minimum bandwidth of 30 megabits per second would be exceeded significantly.

the especially in commercial areas in the district of the German glass fibre was also active in the areas in Mainhausen, Seligenstadt-frog Hausen also living with glass fiber connectors wool. Other providers, such as Unitymedia and Entega, would add.