Budget surplus comment betting on Olaf Scholz
Budget surplus comment betting on Olaf Scholz

The long government formation after. Until the middle of the Union and the SPD have started with the realization of new projects of the coalition agreement, the billion for baukinder money, employment, day-care subsidies and much more will flow only slowly. The end of the year looming record surplus of up to € 15 billion in the Federal budget is, therefore, no proof of the great saving will of the now social democratic Finance Minister, but also a result of the lack of opportunity to spend money and, of course, is still unexpectedly high tax revenues.

A judgment about the householder, Olaf Scholz, one should not cases so rather. His CDU predecessor, Wolfgang Schäuble, was launched with a record deficit. Who carelessly bet, it will not succeed to turn the tide, he has disabused. With which is the good news Scholz is a surprise?

The Union and many taxpayers want the complete abolition of the solidarity surcharge. In the budget that would be ready for that to happen easily, and Scholz could be linked to large times, in which the social Democrats knew that it must be worth performance