The Bundestag has voted to modernize the postal law, much of which has been in force since 1998. With consequences for consumers.

Deutsche Post is to be given more time to deliver normal letters, while at the same time the working conditions for parcel delivery workers are to be improved, as can be seen from the text that has now been approved. Subcontractors are also to be subject to greater controls.

Until now, there was an 80 percent chance that standard letters in the basic service would arrive the next day and a 95 percent chance that they would arrive on the second working day. With the law passed, there will no longer be any fixed targets for the first two days.

According to this, 95 percent of standard letters in the basic service should reach the recipient on the third working day, and 99 percent must be in the mailbox on the fourth working day.

With less time pressure, the post office should also be able to reduce its costs. The recently discontinued night flights should also reduce CO2 emissions by 80 percent, as Green Party deputy parliamentary group leader Andreas Audretsch said during the debate in the Bundestag. Nevertheless, the proposals adopted should ensure that people have access to a comprehensive and affordable supply of letters and packages.

The law also provides for changes in the area of ​​parcel deliveries. According to this, parcels weighing more than 20 kilograms will in future generally have to be carried by two people. According to the law, there will be exceptions if the deliverer has “suitable technical equipment at his or her disposal”.

The traffic light factions of the SPD, Greens and FDP voted in favour of the law, while the Union and AfD voted against it. The groups of the Left and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) abstained.

A school principal in Wales has summarily excluded 200 pupils from class because of short skirts and make-up. Parents are outraged.

Several visitors to an Augustiner beer garden in Munich are said to have shouted “Sieg Heil” together on Tuesday evening. This was reported by the “Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)” citing a witness. Other guests intervened and called the police.