
Understanding the Lunar Calendar: Important Moon Phases in June 2024

The Moon, according to astrological tradition, is considered the celestial body of emotions. Through its function in the zodiac, we regulate our moods, but sometimes we also suffer from its effects… Its presence seems as essential to human life as it is to planet Earth, of which it is the natural satellite. Every month, the night sky begins a new cycle of about 29 days, during which it traverses different phases through the constellations of the zodiac. Knowing the most important stages it goes through can help you better understand your moods and harness its energy to your advantage. Do you want to know the different stages of the lunar path in June 2024 and how they will impact your life? Find out!

New Moon in Gemini: June 6, 2024 at 14:37

The New Moon is by definition the conjunction at the same degree of the same zodiacal constellation of the two luminaries. It is the first stage of the lunar cycle and its surface is imperceptible to us, as the Sun illuminates the side of the night sky that is not visible from Earth. This time of the month is conducive to new beginnings and the creation of projects. You can use the energy of the night sky to your advantage during this period to make changes in your routine, start a physical activity, sign contracts, and anything that involves renewal. In June 2024, the New Moon will be in Gemini, therefore, we may be very focused on the mental and indecision. It is advisable to think carefully before undertaking anything, and to avoid being scattered in what you do.

First Quarter Moon in Virgo: June 14, 2024 at 07:18

This is the second phase of the lunar cycle, and especially the one that pushes us to remain dynamic and in pursuit of growth. It is an ideal week of the month to make progress in what we have started, and we see the results of our efforts. The seed planted at the New Moon is starting to sprout, and it is important to remain active during the approximately seven days that make it up. This month, the first quarter moon will occur in the earth sign of Virgo. It will therefore be a good time to pay attention to details and the refinement of our ongoing projects.

Full Moon in Capricorn: June 22, 2024 at 03:07

This lunar phase is the most well-known and also the most intense. It is during this period that the moon shows us its round, pearly surface, which reflects the sun’s rays with great intensity. The Full Moon is by definition the total opposition between the two luminaries, which occurs in the middle of the lunar cycle. This positioning of the Sun and Moon at 180 degrees is considered its peak, and very powerful for our emotions. It is at this time that lunar energy invites us to rest and introspection in order to shed light on the unresolved aspects of what we have undertaken. The Full Moon is not a favorable period for deployment or construction, and even less for major medical interventions. This time of the month is considered a moment to bring clarity to the mind and purify it from what we find burdensome or unnecessary. Paradoxically, it is often the period when its effects make rest less effective, hence the importance of maintaining a good lifestyle. In June 2024, this lunation will be in the sign of Capricorn, and its energy will be more serious and resolute than ever, so it will be necessary to align with it.

Last Quarter Moon: June 28, 2024 at 23:53

The end of the lunar cycle is a time for assessment and closure. It is often a period of the month where we encounter certain difficulties and it is not uncommon to have a changing mood and sometimes conflicting emotions. According to astrology, it is the time to eliminate elements of our lives that we have decided we no longer want during the Full Moon, which is the previous lunar stage of the cycle. There is then a call to action, and farewells are made. In this phase, we make room for new ideas, emotions, people, and situations, with a sense of inner mourning. The last quarter moon of June 2024 will be in the sign of Aries. This is why you will be more determined than ever to do an emotional cleanse. Keep this in mind, but think carefully before definitively closing certain horizons.

Following the Lunar Cycles Allows Harmony with Your Emotions

In the past, humans were more connected to their natural satellite. With the advent of electric light and various modern lifestyles, we no longer use the night sky as a nocturnal guide, but its planetary function remains intact. This celestial body, visible to the naked eye, regulates gravity, tides, and the life cycle of certain species of flora and fauna on Earth. This leads us to believe that its impact on our animal nature is much more significant than we imagine. Following the lunar cycle through astrology could help you understand your moods and energetic variations in order to respect them and live in better harmony on a cosmic level.