
Senator Josh Hawley, a Republican from Missouri, recently delivered a speech at The Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Policy Conference, where he emphasized the importance of restoring Christianity to the core of American society. He called for the removal of the “trans flag” from federal buildings and advocated for the display of the biblical Ten Commandments in classrooms.

Hawley argued that Christianity should be a fundamental part of American life, stating that it unites rather than divides the country. He criticized the far-left cultural agenda and urged for more Christian influence in government and society. The senator highlighted the significance of the phrase “In God we trust,” which has been America’s national motto since the 1950s, and emphasized the need to reclaim this motto to reaffirm the nation’s unique purpose.

Furthermore, Hawley expressed his desire to see more Christian CEOs leading major companies and prioritizing the interests of American workers. He criticized corporate CEOs for prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives over supporting American workers and families. The senator called for Christian leaders in the business sector to put America first by paying fair wages and implementing policies based on Christian values.

Hawley highlighted the importance of Christian influence in government and economic policy, referencing biblical principles such as not charging usury. He criticized credit card companies for charging exorbitant interest rates and emphasized the need for government intervention to protect consumers from such practices.

In response to calls for the surrender of Christian foundations in the country, Hawley asserted that Americans should preserve their heritage and Christian values. He emphasized the need to resist efforts to erode the country’s Christian roots and uphold the principles on which the nation was founded.

Senator Josh Hawley, who is running for re-election to his Missouri U.S. Senate seat, continues to advocate for the restoration of Christianity in American society and the prioritization of Christian values in government and business. Through his speeches and actions, Hawley aims to promote a vision of America rooted in Christian principles and traditions.